Extreme Weather Information
Winter Weather​
During the winter season, it is important to make sure that students are dressed appropriately to participate in outside activities. As a general rule, children will not be outdoors when the wind chill (real feel) factor is zero degrees or below. If the real feel sits between zero degree and 15 degrees, students may be offered a shortened recess. All weather warmer than 15 degrees may have fully scheduled outdoor recess.
S.E.A.L. observes the following districts when making decisions regarding inclement weather closures:
Lombard - Glenbard Disrtict 87
Romeoville - Valley View District 365U
Elgin - Community Unit District 300
Each S.E.A.L. location follows a different local district when making decisions regarding inclement weather closure.
Even if the indicated district cancels school, you will still receive notification from S.E.A.L.
It is imperative that guardians keep the school informed of all phone and email contact changes.
If there has been a change to your contact information, please call the front desk, email your child’s teacher or counselor,
or send the update on your student’s SEE Note as soon as possible.